Monday, 29 March 2010

Error ID 9551 Public Folder Issues

I was having problems trying to amend a shared calander I had created in a public folder located on our Exchange 2003 server. I was trying to change the permissions from the "Exchange System Manager" and everytime I tried to open the "Public Folders" directory the server would hang and I would eventually be given an error address.

Close inspection of the event viewer saw a number of Error ID 9551 ACL Security errors. I eventually found out that the ACL on the Public Folder refered to users from an old domain that no longer exist. This Public Folder area was moved from an old Exchange 5.5 install held in a different domain. These users are refered to as "Zombie" users becuase although they are referenced they actually no longer exists.
When searching the net you will find lots of references to DS/IS Consistency Checker which is a tool found in Exchange 5.5 that must be run BEFORE moving the Public Folder over to Exchange 2003. However, in my situation this had already been done.

The tool I used to get round my problem was "PFDAVAdmin" link This tool can be used to fix these problems and also it can be used directly to change permissions on objects in Public Folders which is what I did. I made myself owner of the calander so I could then assign permissons from Outlook.

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